Montessori Thoughts / Our Homeschool

Free Sound Patterns Using Getty-Dubay

Today I’d like to share some free, hand-drawn sound pattern pages.

If you have checked into handwriting programs for early elementary students, you’ve probably noticed that there are different styles of teaching handwriting, and different ways to write each letter.  I have used Italic Handwriting Series (linked below) for a few years now, and I continue to be impressed by it.  It is certainly not the way I learned to write as a child, which was using “ball and stick” and “loops.”  For this series, the authors studied each letter (for both print and cursive) and determined which way to write it is quickest AND most legible.  Book A in this series is appropriate for kindergarten.

Prior to kindergarten, however, there is a language material used in Montessori schools with children who want to learn more about writing letters called Sound Patterns.  These are large bubble letters on paper that the child can write in repeatedly.  At this early stage of literacy, we are still teaching the child “the sound the letter makes” – not the name of the letters.  So, as we demonstrate to the child how to write these letters, we are telling her the sound the letter makes.

I have used a set of Sound Patterns from my Montessori language album for 6 years now, but I have always wanted a set of letters which more closely relates to the Italic version we begin in “kindergarten.”  I have finally gotten these made and am providing them as a download here, with directions for use:

[button link=”” style=”download” color=”silver”]Getty/Dubay Sound Patterns Pages 1-13[/button]

[button link=”” style=”download” color=”silver”]Sound Patterns Pages 14-27[/button]

[button link=”” style=”download” color=”silver”]Number Patterns[/button]

(It might take a few seconds for these files to load, because each letter is from a jpeg.)  I’ll add the upper-case letters upon request.

Of course, I would encourage you to make your own letters if you have time, according to the method of hand-writing you will be introducing for kindergarten (or the method the child will be using in school.)  For older children, while I’m on the topic of writing, you can make your own customized worksheets at Amazing Handwriting  Enjoy!




5 thoughts on “Free Sound Patterns Using Getty-Dubay

  1. Thank you so much for this!! This has been the one thing that i have not liked about the language of montessori, because we also have chose to use getty-dubay for handwriting. are there any other getty-dubay resources for montessori that you use?

  2. Hi, I know it’s been 5 years almost since you posted this 🙂 I’m using this now with my 2nd child and really, really appreciate it. I decided to stick with italics for all my kiddos but then was not able to find something to use with the younger ones pre-Getty Dubay workbooks until you posted these. So thank you!! I just noticed at the end of your post that you would add the upper case letters upon request. Wondering if you still have those and would you be willing to post them or email me? Thank you so much!!

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